Dendrochronological Laboratory  

Head of Laboratory: Māris Zunde, Dr biol.
Tel: +371 67034871, email:
Research interests: dendrochronology, dendroclimatology, forest history in Latvia
Curriculum vitae

Dendrochronology on this site:

The Dendrochronological Laboratory of the Institute of Latvian History is at present the only scientific unit in Latvia engaged in dendrochronological dating of timbers mainly deriving from historical structures preserved in the territory of Latvia and compiling long absolute tree-ring chronologies. The majority of the historical wooden structures dated so far have been discovered in the course of archaeological excavation (mainly in Old Riga, as well as Cēsis, Jelgava, Ventspils, Krustpils and Āraiši). The remaining dated structures are preserved in architectural monuments in Old Riga, Āraiši, Bauska, Cēsis, Gaujiena, Turaida and Ventspils. Among the dated historical features are various wooden structures of historical residential buildings and churches, former revetments of riverbanks and slopes, wooden water pipe systems and street surfaces of logs as well as timbers from the base of the Riga city earthworks. An attempt has also been made to date a shipwreck washed up on the beach.

The absolute tree-ring chronologies compiled presently cover the whole of the second millennium AD (early 11th to late 20th century). These are mainly pine chronologies, with some spruce chronologies. Up to the second half of 2012, oak timbers from historic structures have not been dated, since they occur rarely.

The Dendrochronological Latboratory maintains close contacts with various dendrochronological laboratories in other European countries. Particularly important for the dating of exported timber and timber floated from a long distance away has been cooperation with colleagues in Estonia, Lithuania, Belarus, Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. Questions relating to the history of the wood trade and wood export at the European scale during the previous centuries have been studies in collaboration with researchers from several other European countries, such as Russia, Poland, Austria and Belgium. Practical work has begun on the processing of dendrochronological information obtained by the laboratory for inclusion in an international database (Netherlands).

In the period 2005-2008, in collaboration with the Faculty of Biology of the University of Latvia, and partly also the Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences, the Dendrochronological Laboratory has undertaken a small-scale basic research project "Dendroclimatological research in Latvia". This project has provided evidence of the impact of climatic factors on the radial growth of pine in the territory of Latvia at the present day, and it is planned to apply these findings in a further dendroclimatological study, aimed at obtaining more precise information about past weather conditions in Latvia.

Absolute tree-ring chronologies compiled at the Dendrochronological Laboratory up to 2012

No. Tree-ring chronology code Dated feature or structure Time period covered (calendar years) Related publications
1. REZ2008 Pine stand, Forest Block 74, Gaigalava Forest Area, East Latgale Regional Forest District  1887 - 2008 46
2. ALUK2007 Pine stand, Forest Block 581, Anna Forest Area, North-Eastern Regional Forest District 1851 - 2007 46
3. ENG2005 Pine stand, Forest Block 350, Engure Forest Area, Zemgale Regional Forest District 1865 - 2005 46
4. SAKA2005 Pine stand, Forest Block 247, Saka Forest Area, South Kurzeme Regional Forest District 1882 - 2005 46
5. REN2004 Pine stand, Forest Block 257, Renda Forest Area, South Kurzeme Regional Forest District 1833 - 2004 46
6. ZAN2004 Pine stand, Forest Block 241, Kursīši Forest Area, South Kurzeme Regional Forest District 1872 - 2004 46
7. SVIR2001 Pine stand, Forest Block 30, Jaunsvirlauka Forest Area, Zemgale Regional Forest District 1874 - 2001 46
8. RMB08939 Foundation piles for the Postal Savings Bank building (never built), 38 Rīdzenes iela and 48/50 Vaļņu iela, Riga,  1838 - 1939
9. ABZNE900 Wooden structure of Āraiši Church tower 1716 - 1900
10. RMB15896 Wooden planks beneath a former building at 38 Rīdzenes iela and 48/50 Vaļņu iela, Riga 1785 - 1896
11. JELUV855 Wooden water pipe syestem, Raiņa iela and Jāņa Čakstes bulvāris, Jelgava 1707 - 1855 65
12. TURAI833 Floor joists of the Old Manager's House, Turaida Manor 1749 - 1833
13. JELM781E Spruce piles below the foundations of a former building, next to the house at 5 Jāņa Čakstes bulvāris, Jelgava 1700 - 1781 65
14. JELGP776 Pine piles below the foundations of a former building next to the house at 5 Jāņa Čakstes bulvāris, Jelgava 1622 - 1776 65
15. CJPJ1761 Structural timbers of the roof structure of Cēsis New Castle 1687 - 1761
16. BSKA1760 Ceiling beams of the chancel and choir of Bauska Church of the Holy Spirit 1578 - 1760 18, 24
17. CJP3S760 3rd floor joists of Cēsis New Castle 1568 - 1760
18. T2-4C752 Spruce piles, probably from an outbuilding, at 2/4 Teātra iela, Riga 1631 - 1752 36
19. BSKD1751 Ceiling beams of the nave of Bauska Church of the Holy Spirit 1583 - 1751 1824
20. DMBS1745 Stretch of the revetment of the right bank of the River Daugava near the junction of Katrīnas iela and Eksporta iela, Riga 1546 - 1745 81824
21. DSN-1739 Dannenstern House, 21 Mārstaļu iela, Riga: original and replacement ceiling beams of the main block and courtyard block 1445 - 1739 81824
22. T24AB734 Structure of the closed wooden channel of the former River Rīdzene, 2/4 Teātra iela, Riga 1538 - 1734 36
23. DOMS1725 Wooden roof structure of the nave of Riga Cathedral 1485 - 1725
24. V19EK718 Piles supporting the foundations of a masonry building, made from timbers taken from an earlier structure, 19 Vaļņu iela, Riga 1615 - 1718 37
25. T2-4D696 Wooden structure supporting the foundations of a masonry building, 2/4 Teātra iela, Riga 1476 - 1696 36
26. RCUVP690 Piles supporting the foundation of a masonry building in Riga, in the area of the left bank of the former River Rīdzene, between Kalēju iela, Teātra iela, Vaļņu iela and Audēju iela (foundation pit of Galerija Centrs) 1607 - 1690 35, 56
27. RMB11690 Group of piles beneath the foundations of a former masonry building at 38 Rīdzenes iela and 48/50 Vaļņu iela, Riga 1596 - 1690
28. RCUVK689 Piles of a stretch of the revetment along the right bank of the open canal of the former River Rīdzene, in the area between Kalēju iela, Teātra iela, Vaļņu iela and Audēju iela, Riga (foundation pit of Galerija Centrs) 1506 - 1689 35, 56
29. RMB3G689 Groups of piles beneath the foundations of one or more buildings at 38 Rīdzenes iela and 48/50 Vaļņu iela, Riga 1569 - 1689
30. KOBR1673 Remains of a wooden structure in the area of the former Cobron Fort, Riga 1526 - 1673
31. RMB07672 Row of piles at 38 Rīdzenes iela and 48/50 Vaļņu iela, Riga 1588 - 1672
32. VPPT1668 Ceiling beams of the first floor of Ventspils Castle tower 1565 - 1668 18, 1924
33. DOMSC665 Wooden structure of the central part of the first floor room of the Riga Cathedral tower 1531 - 1665 50
34. RCUVJ661 Structure supporting the foundations of a masonry building in the area of the right bank of the former River Rīdzene, between Kalēju iela, Teātra iela, Vaļņu iela and Audēju iela, Riga (foundation pit of Galerija Centrs) 1548 - 1661 35, 56
35. TB4-1650 Stretch of the revetment of the bank of the River Daugava, near the former Triangle Bastion, Riga 1366 - 1650
36. RCUV4649 Wooden structure considered to be a stretch of the 4th phase revetment along the left bank of the former River Rīdzene, in the area of the riverbed between Kalēju iela, Teātra iela, Vaļņu iela and Audēju iela (foundation pit of Galerija Centrs) 1493 - 1649 35, 56
37. T57PP614 Structure supporting the foundations of a masonry building at 5/7 Teātra iela, Riga 1478 - 1614
38. T2-4E607 Re-used pine piles, apparently in outbuilding at 2/4 Teātra iela, Riga 1500 - 1607 36
39. RMB04596 Wooden structure regarded as a stretch of the 3rd phase revetment of the left bank of the former River Rīdzene, at 38 Rīdzenes iela un 48/50 Vaļņu iela 1501 - 1596
40. DOMSA593 Outer (main) wooden structure of the first floor of Riga Cathadral tower 1401 - 1593 50
41. RCUV1587 Timbers used to renew a stretch of the right bank revetment of the former River Rīdzene in the area of the former Rīdzene riverbed between Kalēju iela, Teātra iela, Vaļņu iela and Audēju iela, Riga (foundation pit of Galerija Centrs) 1386 - 1587 35, 56
42. RCUV2581 Stretch of the revetment of the right bank of the River Rīdzene and the revetment of one side of the adjacent ramp in the area of the former Rīdzene riverbed between Kalēju iela, Teātra iela, Vaļņu iela and Audēju iela (foundation pit of Galerija Centrs) 1311 - 1581 35, 56
43. TREP5581 Structure supporting the foundation of a masonry building in the left-bank area of the former bed of the River Rīdzene between Kalēju iela, Teātra iela, Vaļņu iela and Audēju iela (foundation pit of Galerija Centrs) 1413 - 1581 35, 56
44. M79CG572 Wooden structure of a cess pit at 4 Miesnieku iela, Riga 1416 - 1572 55
45. CST6G553 Six posts from the structure reinforcing the slope on the western side of Cēsis medieval castle 1420 - 1553 18, 57
46. TB3-1542 Stretch of wooden revetment along the River Daugavanear the former Triangle Bastion, Riga 1387 - 1542 20
47. JKZ-1536 Timbers at the base of the former defensive rampart of Riga at the James Barracks (8 Basteja bulvāris) 1337 - 1536 1518, 24
48. TB2-1518 Stretch of wooden revetment along the bank of the River Daugava near the former Triangle Bastion, Riga 1257 - 1518 20
49. TB1-1496 Stretch of wooden revetment along the bank of the River Daugava near the former Triangle Bastion, Riga 1262 - 1496 20
50. M13BC430 Wooden cess pit structure at 4 Miesnieku iela, Riga 1322 - 1430 55
51. M35DF407 Wooden cess pit structure at 4 Miesnieku iela, Riga 1147 - 1407 55
52. KRP10384 Wooden structures in Krustpils, in the area between Krustpils Castle and Rīgas iela 1280 - 1384
53. CKRST374 Timber of the wooden structure uncovered in the southern part of the 1st Outer Bailey of Cēsis medieval castle 1217 - 1374
54. ROZUL287 Timbers of wooden structures uncovered in Rožu laukums, Cēsis   911 - 1287 62
55. TR14-274 Timbers of a wooden building discovered at Trokšņu iela 14, Riga 1155 - 1274 3, 1718, 24
56. GR21A212 Timbers of a wooden building discovered at 11A Grēcinieku iela, Riga 1119 - 1212 2455

List of publications by the staff of the Dendrochronological Laboratory

1.    Zunde, M. Jautājumā par dendrohronoloģisko pētījumu attīstību Latvijā [On the question of developing dendrochronological research in Latvia] // Latvijas PSR vēstures problēmas: 7. republikāniskās jauno zinātnieku konferences tēzes. Rīga, 1989. - 14.-17. lpp. (in Latvian).

2.    Zunde, M. Par dendrohronoloģiskajiem un ar tiem saistītajiem pētījumiem Latvijā [On dendrochronological and related research in Latvia] // Biometeoroloģija Latvijā. - 1995. - Nr.2. - 13.-17. lpp. (in Latvian).

3.    Zunde, M. Trokšņu ielā 14 atklāto Rīgas senceltņu dendrohronoloģiskās datēšanas rezultāti un to pamatojums [The results of dendrochronological dating of historial structures discovered at 14 Trokšņu iela, Riga, and its basis] // Arheoloģija un etnogrāfija. - Rīga, 1996. - 18. laid. - 233.-238. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in German).

4.    Zunde, M. Senās koksnes dendrohronoloģiskie pētījumi un to attīstības veicināšana Latvijā [Dendrochronological research on historical wood and the development of such research in Latvia] // Zinātniskās atskaites sesijas materiāli par arheologu 1994. un 1995. gada pētījumu rezultātiem. - Rīga, 1996. - 132.-134. lpp. (in Latvian).

5.    Zunde, M. Dendrochronological dating of medieval architectural monuments in Latvia // Abstracts: Conference of European Dendrochronology Workshop 1996. - Moudon, 1996. -.

6.    Zunde, M. Timber export from medieval Riga and its impact on dendrochronological dating in Europe // Dendrochronologia. - 1998-1999. -Volume 16-17. - pp.119-130.

7.    Zunde, M. Wood export from medieval Riga and possibilities for dendrochronological dating // Dendrochronology and environmental trends [Proceedings of the International Conference]. - Kaunas, 1998. - pp. 67-74.

8.    Zunde, M. Dannenšterna nama un 18. gadsimta Daugavas krastmalas nostiprinājumu dendrohronoloģiskā un vēsturiskā datēšana [Dendrochronological and Historical Dating of the Dannenstern House and an 18th Century Revetment along the River Daugava] // Senā Rīga. Rīga, 1998. - 315.-332. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

9.    Zunde, M. “Eurodendro ‘98” - starptautiska dendrohronologu konference Lietuvā [“Eurodendro ‘98” – an international dendrochronological conference in Lithuania] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 1998. - Nr. 4(29), 147.-148. lpp. (in Latvian)

10.    Zunde, M. Mežainuma un koku sugu sastāva pārmaiņu dinamika un to galvenie ietekmējošie faktori Latvijas teritorijā [The dynamics of changes in forest cover and tree species composition in the territory of Latvia and the main influencing factors] // Latvijas mežu vēsture līdz 1940. gadam (red. H. Strods). - Rīga, 1999. - 109.-203. lpp. (in Latvian).

11.    Zunde, M. Par Āraišu ezerpils dendrohronoloģisko datēšanu [On the dendrochronological dating of Āraiši Lake Fortress] // Arheologs Dr.hist., Dr.hist.h.c. Jānis Apals: Biobibliogrāfija, darbabiedru veltījumi 70 gadu jubilejā. - Rīga, 2000. - 144.-157. lpp. (in Latvian).

12.    Zunde, M. Eiropas dendrohronologu konference Malborkā [Euroepan dendrochronological conference in Malbork] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2000. - Nr.1(34) - 153.-155. lpp. (in Latvian).

13.    Zunde, M. Dendrochronological Dating of 8th - 18th Century Wooden Structures in Latvia: Results and Future Prospects // Eurodendro 2001: International Scientific Conference of Dendrochronology [Book of Abstracts]. - Ljubljana, 2001. - P. 4.

14.    Groves, C., Zunde, M. Belarus, Latvia and England - The Conifer Connection // Eurodendro 2001: International Scientific conference of Dendrochronology  [Book of Abstracts]. - Ljubljana, 2001. - P. 8.

15.    Zunde, M. Rīgas pilsētas nocietinājuma vaļņa (pie Jēkaba kazarmām) pamatnes baļķu dendrohronoloģiskās datēšanas rezultāti [The results of dendrochronological dating of timbers from the base of the rampart of the Riga city defenses (at the James Barracks)] // A. Celmiņš. Pārskats par arheoloģisko izpēti Rīgā, Basteja bulvārī 8 2000./2001. gadā. - Rīga, 2001. - 54.- 59. lpp. Pārskats glabājas Rīgas vēstures un kuģniecības muzejā, reģistrācijas Nr.: RVKM ZA2574. (in Latvian).

16.    Zunde, M. Koku gadskārtu platumu precizitāti ietekmējošie faktori [Factors affecting the precision of tree ring width measurement] // Latvijas Lauksaimniecības Universitātes Raksti. - 2002. - Nr.7 (302). - 74.-82. lpp. (in Latvian with an abstract in English).

17.    Zunde M. Rīgā, Trokšņu ielā 14, atsegtās 13. gs. guļbūves dendrohronoloģiskās datēšanas jaunākie rezultāti [The latest results of dendrochronological dating of a 13th century log structure excavated at 14 Trokšņu Street in Riga] // Civitas et castrum ad Mare Balticum: Baltijas arheoloģijas un vēstures problēmas dzelzs laikmetā un viduslaikos. - Rīga, 2002. - 337.-342. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

18.    Zunde M. Latvijas kultūrvēsturisko objektu dendrohronoloģiskās datēšanas rezultāti [Results obtained in the dendrochronological dating of culture-historical buildings in Latvia] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2002. - Nr.2. - 44.-63. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

19.    Zunde M. Ventspils pils torņa siju dendrohronoloģiskais datējums [Dendrochronologicla date of ceiling beams in the tower of Ventspils Castle] // Ventspils Muzeja Raksti. - Rīga, 2002. - 2.sēj. - 203.-206. lpp. (in Latvian).

20.    Zunde M. Daugavas krasta 15.-17. gs. koka stiprinājumu dendrohronoloģiskā datēšana un tās rezultāti [Dendrochronological dating of 15th-17th century timber revetments along the River Daugava bank] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2003. - Nr.3. - 41.-65. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

21.    Zunde M. Possible problems of dendrochronologically locating the source area of exported historic wood // EuroDendro 2003: Conference of the European Working Group for Dendrochronology 10 to 14 September 2003 in Obergurgl, Tyrol, Austria [Abstracts]. - Innsbruck, 2003. - P.104.

22.    Zunde M. An example of the practical use of historic pictorial and cartographic material for confirming a dendrochronological dating // EuroDendro 2003: Conference of the European Working Group for Dendrochronology 10 to 14 September 2003 in Obergurgl, Tyrol, Austria [Abstracts]. - Innsbruck, 2003. - P.105.

23.    Zunde M. Dendrochronological dating of the historical sites in Old Riga and the results obtained // Science, higher education, technologies, medicine, humanities in the Baltics - past and present: Abstracts of the 21st International Baltic conference on the history of science. - Riga, 13 - 15 October, 2003. - PP. 59-60.

24.    Zunde M. Kultūrvēsturisko un dabas objektu dendrohronoloģiskā datēšana un tās perspektīvas Latvijā / Dendrochronological Dating of Natural and Historical Sites and its Future Prospects in Latvia. Promocijas darba kopsavilkums bioloģijas doktora zinātniskā grāda iegūšanai. - Rīga, 2003. - 45 lpp. (in Latvian and in English).

25.    Zunde M. Dendrohronoloģija [Dendrochronology] // Latvijas Enciklopēdija (Galv. red. H. Jubels). - Rīga, 2003. - 2. sējums - 191.-192. lpp. (in Latvian).

26.    Zunde M. Eiropas valstu dendrohronologu konference “Eurodendro 2003” Austrijā un darba pieredzes papildināšana Vācijā [The “Eurodendro 2003” European dendrochronological conference in Austria and development of research skills in Germany] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2003. - Nr.4. - 175.-177. lpp. (in Latvian).

27.    Zunde M. Eiropas valstu dendrohronologu konference “EuroDendro 2004” [The “EuroDendro 2004” conference of dendrochronologists from the countries of Europe] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2004. - Nr.4. - 172.-174. lpp. (in Latvian).

27.A  Zunde M. Dendrochronological dating of the historical sites in Old Riga // Abstracts: EuroDendro 2004, Regensburg / Germany, September, 15 - 19. - p.53.

28.    Zunde M. Koksne kā bioindikators un … ģeoloģija: dabiski apraktās senās koksnes izpētes iespējas un problēmas Latvijā [Wood as a bioindicator and … geology: the possibilities and problems of studying naturally buried historical wood in Latvia] // Ģeogrāfija. Ģeoloģija. Vides zinātne: Latvijas Universitātes 63. konferences referātu tēzes. - Rīga, 2005. - 160.-161. lpp. (in Latvian).

29.    Zunde M. Par senseniem kokiem [On ancient trees] // Vides Vēstis. - 2005. - Nr.4 (79). - 22.-24. lpp. (in Latvian).

30.    Zunde, M. Dendrochronological dating of lake settlements in Latvia // EuroDendro 2005: International Conference of  Dendrochronology. Abstract Book. - Viterbo, Sette città, 2005. - p.41.

31.    Zunde, M. Sakore V.4.0. - a straightforward dendrochronological dating program for Windows // Ibid. - p.67.

32.    Lūce, I., Brūmelis, G., Elferts, D., Strazds, M., Zunde, M. Past development of some natural Pinus sylvestris stands on mires in Latvia // Ibid. - pp.27-28.

33.    Zunde M. Par dendrohronoloģiju un tās perspektīvām Latvijā [On dendrochronology and its future potential in Latvia] // Arheoloģija un Etnogrāfija. - Rīga, 2005. - 22. laid. - 271.-278. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

34.    Zunde, M. Āraišu ezerpils 9. - 10. gs. apbūves dendrohronoloģiskie pētījumi [Dendrochronological research on the 9th–10th century structures of Āraiši Lake Fortress]. Nepublicēts materiāls; glabājas Latvijas vēstures institūta Dendrohronoloģijas laboratorijā un Āraišu ezerpils fondā. (in Latvian; unpublished report)

35.    Zunde, M. Arheoloģiskās uzraudzības darbos Rīgā, Rīdzenes ielā 4 un 15/17, R. Vāgnera ielā 21 un Audēju ielā 12 atklāto seno koka konstrukciju dendrohronoloģiskās datēšanas rezultāti [The results of dendrochronological dating of historical wooden structures discovered in the course of archaeological supervision at 4 and 15/17 Rīdzenes iela, 21 R. Vāgnera iela and 12 Audēju iela in Riga] // M. Lūsēns. Kvartāls starp Kalēju, Rīdzenes, Audēju, Teātra, R. Vāgnera ielām. Arheoloģiskā izpēte. - Rīga, 2005. - 49.-57. lpp. Pārskats glabājas Valsts kultūras pieminekļu aizsardzības inspekcijas Dokumentācijas centra arhīvā un SIA „AIG” arhīvā. (in Latvian; unpublished report).

36.    Zunde, M. Rīgā, Teātra ielā 2/4, arheoloģiski atklāto koka konstrukciju dendrohronoloģiskās datēšanas rezultāti un to interpretācija [Results and interpretation of the dendrochronological dating of archaeological timber structures found at 2/4 Teātra Street, Riga] // Arheoloģija un Etnogrāfija. - Rīga, 2006. - 23. laid - 346.-356. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

37.    Zunde, M. Rīgā, Vaļņu ielā 19, atklātās mūra ēkas pamatu koka balsta konstrukcijas būvelementu dendrohronoloģiskās datēšanas rezultāti [The results of dendrochronological dating of structural elements of the timber supporting structure for the foundation of a masonry building at 19 Vaļņu Street, Riga] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2006. - Nr.4. - 5.-14. lpp. (in Latvain with a summary in English).

38.    Zunde, M. Par pieredzes apmaiņu divās dendrohronoloģijas laboratorijās Vācijā [On a research exchange visits to two dendrochronological laboratories in Germany] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2006. - Nr.4. - 185.-187. lpp. (in Latvian).

39.    Zunde, M. Par pagātnes laikapstākļu ietekmi  uz tautas vēsturi un tos raksturojošo datu dendroklimatoloģiskās rekonstrukcijas iespējām Latvijā [The importance of the influence of past climatic factors on the history of a people and the potential for reconstructing the relevant data by dendroclimatology] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2007. - Nr.2. - 26.-41. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

40.    Zunde, M. Arhīvs koku gadskārtās [An archive of tree rings] // Daba un vēsture 2008. - Rīga, 2007. - 222.-228. lpp. (in Latvian).

41.    Zunde, M. Latvijas kultūrvides pētījumi pēc zinātnisko ekspedīciju materiāliem (2006 - 2008) // LZP Ekonomikas, juridiskās un vēstures zinātnes galvenie pētījumu virzieni 2007. gadā / The main Directions of Research in Economics, Law and Historical Sciences by the Latvian Counsil of Science in 2007. - Nr.13. - Rīga, 2008. - 232.-234. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

42.    Vitas, A., Zunde, M. Dendrochronological investigation on historical English oak (Quercus robur L.) in Lithuania and Latvia: problems and potential // TRACE - Tree Rings in Archaeology, Climatology and Ecology. - Vol. 6: Proceedings of  the DENDROSYMPOSIUM 2007 May 3rd - 6th 2007, Riga, Latvia. - Scientific Technical Report STR08/05. - Potsdam, 2008. - pp.124-127.

43.    Zunde, M. A dendrochronological question: was the imported Baltic timber always timber from the Baltic? // News of Forest History. Nr. V. -  (39)/2008: EuroDendro 2008. The long history of wood utilization. - pp.44-45.

44.    Elferts, D., Zunde, M. Influence of climatic factors on the radial growth of Scots pine in the Western part of Latvia. // News of Forest History. Nr. V. -  (39)/2008: EuroDendro 2008. The long history of wood utilization. - pp.50-51.

45.    Zunde, M. Senāk eksportēto un pludināto kokmateriālu sagādes rajona dendrohronoloģiskās lokalizēšanas iespējas [The possibilities of identifying the source area of historic exported and floated timber by means of dendro-provenancing] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2008. - Nr.2. - 5.-23. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

46.    Zunde, M., Briede, A., Elferts, D. Influence of climatic factors on the annual radial growth of Scots pine (Pinus Silvestris L.) in western Latvia (Klimatisko faktoru ietekme uz parasto priežu (Pinus sylvestris L.) ikgadējo radiālo pieaugumu Latvijas rietumdaļā) // Proceedings of  the Latvian Academy of Sciences. Section B. - 2008. - vol.62. - No.3. - pp. 120-128.

47.    Zunde, M. Starptautiskā dendrohronologu konference “EuroDendro 2008” [The “EuroDendro 2008” international dendrochronological conference] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2008. - Nr.3. - 177.-180. lpp. (in Latvian).

48.    Zunde, M. Latvijas kultūrvides pētījumi pēc zinātnisko ekspedīciju materiāliem (2006-2008) // LZP Ekonomikas, juridiskās un vēstures zinātnes galvenie pētījumu virzieni 2008. gadā / The Main Directions of Research in Economics, Law and Historical Sciences by the Latvia Council of Science in 2008. - Nr.14 - Riga, 2009. - 226.-229. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

49.    Zunde, M. Contribution of dendrochronological studies to the dating of archaeological sites in Riga // The Hansa town Riga as mediator between east and west. Proceedings of an international scientific conference dedicated to 70 years of archaeological research in Riga, held in Riga, Latvia, on 23-25 September 2008. - Rīga, 2009. - pp.201-209.

50.    Zunde, M. Rīgas Doma baznīcas jumta un torņa koka konstrukciju datēšanas pirmie rezultāti [Initial results of the dating of wooden structures in the roof and tower of the Riga Dom] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2009. - Nr.2. - 5. - 24. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

51.    Zunde M. The oldest dendrochronologically dated wooden structures in Latvia // Eurodendro 2009. European Workshop in Dendrochronology: Developments, Advances, Challenges. -,41149,en.pdf. - p.93.

52.    Zunde M. New dendrochronological and historical evidence of long-distance floating of timbers to Riga // . - pp.39-40.

53.    Zunde, M. Par starptautisko dendrohronologu un dendroekologu konferenci „EuroDendro 2009” [On the “EuroDendro 2009” international dendrochronological and dendroecological conference] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2009. - Nr.4. - 165. - 168. lpp. (in Latvian).

54.    Zunde, M. Par 17. - 18. gadsimtā būvētajiem Rīdzenes kanāliem [On the Rīdzene canals built in the 17th-18th centuries] // Senā Rīga 6: Pētījumi pilsētas arheoloģijā un vēsturē / Sast. Viktorija Bebre. - Rīga: Apgāds MANTOJUMS, 2009. - 90.-100. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

55.    Zunde, M. Rīgā, Miesnieku ielā 4 un Grēcinieku ielā 11/13, atklāto koka senceltņu dendrohronoloģiskā datēšana [Dendrochronological dating of historical wooden structures uncovered at No. 4 Miesnieku Street and No. 11/13 Grēcinieku Street, Riga] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2010. - Nr.2. - 18.-36. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

56.    Zunde, M. Rīdzenes krastu koka nostiprinājumu konstrukciju dendrohronoloģiskā datēšana un tās rezultāti [Dendrochronological dating of the wooden revetment structures of the River Rīdzene and the results obtained] // Arheoloģija un Etnogrāfija. - Rīga, 2010. - 24. laid. - 228.-242. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

57.    Zunde, M. Fakti un hipotēzes par Cēsu viduslaiku pils rietumu pusē esošās nogāzes nostiprināšanu [Facts and hypotheses on the stabilising of the slope on the western side of Cēsis medieval castle] // Regina in castro Wenda. Rakstu krājums - veltījums Cēsu ordeņpils pētniecei arheoloģei Dr. hist. h. c. Zigrīdai Apalai 75 gadu dzīves jubilejā / Sast. A Caune. - Rīga, 2011. - 176.-182. lpp. (in Latvian).

58.    Zunde, M. The potential of multivariate statistical analysis in the determination of the source area of historical timber // Cherubini, P. (ed). Eurodendro Conference. Program and book of abstracts. September 19 to September 23, 2011. Engelberg, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and landscape Research WSL. - Birmensdorf, 2011. - p.106.

59.    Zunde, M. New dendrochronological, historical and archaeological evidence of long-distance floating of timbers to Riga // Tree Rings, Art, Archaeology. Proceedings of an international conference. - Scientia Artis, Vol. 7. - Brussels, 2011. - pp.125 - 135.

60.    Petrova M. Starptautiskā dendrohronologu, dendroekologu un dendroklimatologu konference „TRACE 2011” [The “TRACE 2011” international conference of dendrochronologists, dendroecologists and dendroclimatologists] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2011. - Nr.3 - 177.-179. lpp. (in Latvian).

61.    Zunde, M.  Par radioaktīvā oglekļa (14C) datēšanas metodi un tās pielietošanu arheoloģijā [On the radiocarbon dating method and its application in archaeology] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2011. - Nr.4. - 95.-119. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

62.    Zunde, M. Cēsīs, Rožu laukuma vietā būvēto senāko koka celtņu absolūtā datēšana [Absolute dating of the earliest wooden buildings built on the Rožu laukums site in Cēsis] // Arheoloģija un Etnogrāfija. - Rīga, 2011. - 25. laid. - 221.-234. lpp. (in Latvian with a summary in English).

63.    Zunde, M. Par starptautisko konferenci „EuroDendro 2011” [On the “EuroDendro 2011” international conference] // Latvijas Vēstures Institūta Žurnāls. - 2012. - Nr.1. - 160.-162. lpp. (in Latvian).

64.    Läänelaid A., Daalen S. van, Zunde M., Pukienė R. Dating a pine sculpture of Jonah and whale. In: Baltdendro 2012: materials of the 2nd International Conference of Baltic States Dendrochronologist, 30th August-2nd September, 2012, Šventoji, Lithuania / ed. A. Vitas. Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University: Group of Dendroclimatology and Radiometrics, pp.8-17. Available at:

65.    Petrova M. The first dendrochronological research of wooden heritage in historic city of Jelgava, and its results. In: Baltdendro 2012: materials of the 2nd International Conference of Baltic States Dendrochronologist, 30th August-2nd September, 2012, Šventoji, Lithuania / ed. A. Vitas. Kaunas: Vytautas Magnus University: Group of Dendroclimatology and Radiometrics, pp.18-19. Available at:

66.    Zunde, M.  Arheologs Jānis Apals un ... dendrohronoloģija [Archaeologist Jānis Apals and … dendrochronology] // Apals, J. Āraišu ezerpils. Rakstu izlase un draugu atmiņas. - R., 2012. - 586.-593. lpp. (in Latvian).

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