Repository of Bioarchaeological Material  

Head of the Repository: Gunita Zariņa, Dr hist., Corresponding Member of LAS
Tel: +371 26482893, email:
Research interests: anthropology, bioarchaeology, palaeodemography, historical demography
Curriculum vitae
Dardega Legzdiņa, Mg. hist.
Keeper of collections
Eduards Plankājs, Mg. hist.
Keeper of collections
Tel. +371 22061646, email:
Research interests: zooarchaeology, bioarchaeology, social archaeology

During a period of over 50 years, anthropological material from more than 104 sites has been obtained in the course of archaeological excavation in Latvia. Palaeoanthropological material from 4500 individuals kept in the Repository of Bioarchaeological Material of the Institute of Latvian History covers a period of 9 millennia in Latvia. The oldest material comes from the burials in the Zvejnieki I and II settlement sites (7th-3rd mill. BC). This is Northern Europe's most extensive collection of craniological and osteological material from this period (310 burials). Very important in the European context, for studying changes in human morphology, physical development and palaeodemography connected with the transition to food production, is the palaeoanthropological material from the completely excavated Bronze Age cemetery of Ķivutkalns (239 burials). The living conditions of the inhabitants of Latvia during the 1st and 2nd millennium AD, and the processes of social differentiation and urbanisation can be studied on the basis of an extensive collection of anthropological material.

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