Archaeology on this site:

Valdis Bērziņš, Dr
Research interests: Mesolithic and Neolithic studies, archaeological survey, wood charcoal analysis
Curriculum vitae
Zenta Broka-Lāce, Mg. hist.
Research interests: philosophy of science, history and theory of archaeology, hill-forts, Semigallians
Rūdolfs Brūzis, Dr. hist.
Tel: +371 26510765, email:
Research interests: weaponry in medieval archaeological material
Agnese Čakare, Bc. hist.
Research interests: Neolithic, amber-working technology, experimental archaeology
Viktors Dāboliņš, Mg. art.
Tel. +371 26808238, email:
Research interests: numismatics and early modern history
Curriculum vitae
Inga Doniņa, Mg. hist.
Research interests: Couronian material and spiritual culture in the Late Iron Age and Middle Ages
Curriculum vitae
Elīna Guščika, Mg. hist.
Tel. +371 67034870, email:
Research interests: burial practices in the Early Iron Age
Mārcis Kalniņš, Mg. hist.
Tel. +371 22318009, email:
Research interests: Stone Age, lithic technology, GIS and 3D in archaeology
Ieva Ose, Dr hist., Full Member of LAS
Research interests: medieval and early modern archaeology and art history
Curriculum vitae
Ildze Mīlgrāve, Bc. hist.
Research interests: Iron Age, landscape archaeology, ancient Semigallians
Normunds Stivriņš, PhD Earth Sci
Tel. +371 26859295, email:
Research intersets: palaeoecology, geoarchaeology, lake and bog sediments; pollen and other microscopic remains
Andrejs Vasks, Dr habil. hist., Prof., Corresponding Member of LAS
Research interests: Bronze and Early Iron Age
Curriculum vitae
Antonija Vilcāne, Dr hist.
Tel: +371 67034870, email:
Research interests: the Latgallians in the Late Iron Age
Curriculum vitae
Aija Ērkšķe, Mg. hist.
Tel. +371 26367669, email:
Research interests: social archaeology, bioarchaeology, children in past societies, Iron Age
Vanda Visocka, Mg. hist.
Research interests: Bronze Age, pottery, petrography, exchange, burials
Ilga Zagorska, Dr hist.
Research interests: the glacial retreat and the earliest settlement of Latvia; Mesolithic cultures and their environment in the East Baltic; Stone Age burial practices in Northern Europe; the history of research on the Stone Age of the East Baltic
Curriculum vitae
Guntis Zemītis, Dr hist., Full Member of LAS
Research interests: the Late Iron Age; the ancient Semigallians; residential sites


Zagorska I. Senie ziemeļbriežu mednieki Latvijā [The Ancient Reindeer Hunters in Latvia]. - Rīga: Zinātne, 2012. - cietais sēj., 208 lpp.: il. - ISBN 978-9984-879-12-3

This work by Stone Age specialist Ilga Zagorska brings together for the first time material gathered over many years on the earliest prehistory of Latvia, providing a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the scientific evidence, and presenting the Latvian material in the context of Northern Europe. The Late Palaeolithic is the first period of Latvia's prehistory, and one of the most interesting. About 14-13 thousand years ago the ice sheets melted, the network of rivers and lakes formed, and reindeer entered this area, along with the reindeer hunters - the country's first inhabitants. The publication is richly illustrated.

Brīvkalne E. Mežotnes pilskalna depozīts [The Mežotne Hillfort Hoard] / zin. red. A. Vilcāne. – Rīga: Nordic, 2009. – 64 lpp.: il. – ISBN 978-9984-854-04-5.

Published in this volume is the master's thesis of E.Brīvkalnes (1909-1984), researcher of the ancient Semigallians, with an analysis of a hoard of ornaments found in the course of the Mežotne Hillfort excavation. Also included in the book is a curriculum vitae of E.Brīvkalne and a list of excavations she directed, a list of excavation reports she submitted and a list of her publications.

The book can be purchased in the Archaeology Department of the Institute of Latvian History (Academy of Sciences Building, Room 805. istabā).

Arheologu pētījumi Latvijā 2006. un 2007. gadā [Archaeological Investigations in Latvia, 2006 and 2007]
/ Sast. Antonija Vilcāne. - Rīga: Zinātne, 2008. - 246 lpp.; il.

A publication of the Institute of Latvian History, bringing together information about archaeological excavation and supervision in 2006 and 2007 and the results obtained in this work.

In Latvian with summaries in English.

The book can be purchased in Room 1202, 12th Floor, Akadēmijas laukums 1, Riga (contact:: Ivars Ločmelis).

 Price: Ls 2.40 

Preface - 5

Valdis Bērziņš. The settlement site of Pāvilostas Baznīckalns: archaeological supervision and assessment of the site area - 11
Valdis Bērziņš. Survey work in the envirions of the Zvejnieki archaeological complex - 18
Valdis Bērziņš. Trial excavation at the settlement of Priedaine in the town of Jūrmala - 22
Valdis. Bērziņš, Ilga Zagorska.  Excavation at the settlement site of Braukšas II - 25
Ilze Loze. Archaeological excavations at the Neolithic settlement Zvidze. Lake Lubāns Wetland - 32
Ilga Zagorska.  Archaeological research in the Burtnieki Lake region during the years 2006-2007 - 37

Normunds Jērums, Vitolds Muižnieks. Archaeological excavation at the cemetery of Tērvetes Ķūri - 45
Ināra Kuniga. Archaeological excavation at the Rušenīca hillfort - 49
Roberts Spirģis. Archaeological excavation at Ogesgala Čabas in 2007 - 57
Andrejs Vasks. Archaeologhical excavation at the cemetery of Ābelnieki in 2006 and 2007 - 62
Andrejs Vasks. Archaeologhical excavation atPadure (Beltes) Hillfort in 2006 and 2007 - 69
Antonija Vilcāne. Excavation at Anspoki Hillfort - 75
Antonija Vilcāne. Excavation at the cemetery of Brīveri (Brūveri) in 2006 and 2007 - 79
Heiki Valk, Antonija Vilcāne. Excavation at Druskas (Korneti) Hillfort - 85
Juris Urtāns.Trial excavation at the ewly-discovered hillfort of Ratinieki in Rēzekne and at Spriņģu Hillfort in Ozolmuiža - 89
Guntis Zemītis. Excavation on Satesele Hillfort in 2006 - 93

Zigrīda Apala. Archaeological excavation in the courtyard  of the medieval castle of Cēsis and supervisison in the New Castle - 101
Zigrīda Apala. Archaeological supervision in the old town of Cēsis - 105
Tatjana Berga. Archaeological excavation in the medieval town of Valmiera - 113
Iveta Berga, Vitolds Muižnieks. Archaeological supervision in the historical centre of Sabile - 119
Egils Jemeļjanovs. Archaeologhical excavations on Krusta kalns (Hill of the Cross) in Sigulda and archaeologhical supervision by Krimulda
Church and Kubesele - 126
Uldis Kalējs. Archaelogical research in Aluksne medieval castle - 131
Uldis Kalējs, Mārtiņš Lūsēns. Archaeological supervision  works outside Riga in 2006 and 2007 - 138
Mārtiņš Lūsēns. Archaeological excavations in Grīnbergu ancient burial ground - 143
Mārtiņš Lūsēns. Archaeological investigation in the churchyard of Riga St. Gertrude Church - 150
Mārtiņš Lūsēns, Uldis Kalējs. Archaeological supervision works in Riga in 2006 and 2007 - 160
Mārtiņš Lūsēns.  Archaeological investigation in Riga nearby the St. Jacobs Church - 163
Ilze Melne. Archaeological excavations inMedieval Cemetery of Veselava - 170
Mārtiņš Ruša, Gunita Zariņa. Archaeological supervision excavations in Dobele church medieval cemetery - 175
Mārtiņš Ruša. Archaeological excavations in Dobele medieval castle - 182
Mārtiņš Ruša. Archaeological supervision in Alūksne, Kanceles kalniņš (Baznīcas kalns) - 185
Mārtiņš Ruša. Archaeological supervision in Cēsis, Riga Street 4 and Lielā Katrīnas Street - 187
Mārtiņš Ruša. Archaeological supervision in historical centre of the town of Sabile - 189

Guntis Gerhards. Anthropological material from paleopathological viewpoint, obtained in archaeological excavations of 2006 and 2007 - 196
Gunita Zariņa. Anthropological evaluation of Cesis St. John’s church cemetery burials - 201

Permits for archaeological field work issued by state inspection for heritage protection in Latvia in 2006 and 2007 - 206
Publications by archaeologists of Latvia in 2006 and 2007 - 212

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