Knots in Clay: Insights into Ancient Fibrework from Imprints in Pottery

Project No.: LU-BA-ZG-2024/1-0012
Implementation period: 01.09.2024–28.02.2026
Project costs: EUR 68 961.00
Project leader: Dr. archaeol. Valdis Bērziņš
Decorative knot and plait impressions in Neolithic pottery (c. 3000 BC) from four sites in western Latvia will be documented and analysed in detail, using stereomicroscopy and reflectance transformation imaging. This kind of pottery decoration can furnish crucial information about the fibrework (knotting/plaiting/plying) techniques used in the Stone Age for working organic materials – direct evidence of which is available only in exceptional cases.
The observations will be applied to distinguish the kinds of stamps used to decorate the pottery, characterizing the fibres and fibrework techniques used to make the stamps. This will contribute to our knowledge of Neolithic fibrework and its social and economic importance, and as well as revealing the practical and conceptual links between pottery-making, fibrework and other everyday activities of the region’s Stone Age communities.
In addition to developing the methodology for documenting this kind of relief decoration on archaeological pottery, the researcher will purposefully enhance his skills in documentary filmmaking to address a wide non-specialist audience and promote interest in archaeological technology studies. In conjunction with this research, an ERC Synergy Grant application will be submitted with co-PIs from Norway and Sweden.
Keywords: archaeology, technology, Neolithic, pottery, fibre
- Navigating the Latvian History of the 20th–21st Century
- Ethnographer, Society, and Art
- The environment and early farming
- Viking Age in Latvia: an interdisciplinary study
- Between surveillance and non-interference of state authorities
- Burial practices in the landscape
- Skills in synergy, crafts in context
- Dyes and Dyeing
- Magic and Superstition
- Knots in Clay
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