
Dr. hist. Uldis Neiburgs
Other job titles: Senior Researcher
Research interests: history of World War II in Latvia, resistance and collaboration during Soviet and Nazi occuption, social memory, public history.
Executive Director

Inta Briede
Senior Researcher, Head of the Repository of Ethnographic Material

Dr. hist. Ilze Boldāne-Zeļenka
Senior Researcher

Ph. D. Valdis Bērziņš

Ph. D. Kristīne Beķere

Dr. hist. Daina Bleiere
Senior Researcher
Guntis Gerhards
Senior Researcher

Dr. hist. Ēriks Jēkabsons
Senior Researcher

Dr. hist. Anete Karlsone
Senior Researcher

Dr. hist. Ieva Ose
Senior Researcher

Gvido Straube
Senior Researcher

Guntis Zemītis
Senior Researcher, Head of Dendrochronological Laboratory

Dr. biol. Māris Zunde
Zinātniskās intereses: a) vēsturiskās koksnes dendrohronoloģiskā datēšana, b) dendroklimatoloģija, c) Latvijas mežu vēsture.
Senior Researcher

Dr. hist. Ineta Lipša
Senior Researcher
Elīna Pētersone-Gordina
Senior Researcher

Ieva Pīgozne
Research interests: Latvian dress, social, and culture history in European context, social aspects of dress history, history of research in dress history.
Scopus Author ID: 57192269496
Senior Researcher, Head of the Repository of Bioarchaeological Material

Dr. hist. Gunita Zariņa
Research interests: bioarchaeology. Research of the palaeodemography, nutrition, health and quality of life of the ancient population of Latvia. Analysis of social status of women in different historical periods. Application of natural science methods in the study of Latvian nation formation and ethnologycal processes. Studies of archaeological DNA and stable isotope content in archaeological artefacts.

Ph. D. Tatjana Bogdanoviča

Dr. hist. Rūdolfs Brūzis

Ph. D. Viktors Dāboliņš

Ph. D. Andrejs Gusačenko
Aija Macāne

Ph. D. Klāvs Zariņš
Antonija Vilcāne
Research Assistant
Aiga Bērziņa-Kite
Research Assistant

Ph. D. Ginta Ieva Bikše
Research interests: Spanish Civil War, international relations in the 20th century, the 20th century history of Spain and France, Latvia’s foreign policy.
Research Assistant

Mg. hist. Inga Doniņa-Kalniņa
Research Assistant

Eduards Plankājs
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of the Institute of Latvian History
Asoc. prof. Andris Levāns
Head of the Repository of Archaeological Material

Silvija Tilko
Keeper of collections at the Repository of Archaeological Material
Enija Zaķe
Keeper of collections at the Repository of Bioarchaeological Material
Anna Batraga
Keeper of collections at the Repository of Ethnographic Material

Dr. hist. h. c. Lilita Vanaga
Zinātniskās intereses: arhīvistika, kultūrvēsture, etnogrāfiskās ekspedīcijas Latvijā.
Keeper of collections at the Repository of Ethnographic Material

Ilze Ulmane
Zinātniskās intereses: kultūrvēsture, tekstiliju vēsture.