The project's “Navigating the Latvian History of the 20th-21st Century: Social Morphogenesis, Legacy and Challenges” (No VPP-IZM-Vēsture-2023/1-0003) researcher Andrejs Gusačenko will participate in the "International Seminar: From Lenin to Putin. Research into the History of Russia and its Future in Warsaw". The event is hosted by: The Centre for Research on Russian Statehood; The Institute of Eastern Law Foundation; The Department of the History of Administration (Faculty of Law and Administration of the Warsaw University).
The focus of Andrejs Gusačenko presentation will be on the international political manifestations of the community of Russian emigres in Latvia in the first half and in the middle of 20s. Despite a huge number of different obstacles, the representatives almost of all countries, where Russian exiles settled, were able to gather at the "Russian Conference Abroad" in Paris in 1926. The organization of the event and the elections of the deputies resonated in Latvia, where the processes had local peculiarities. The elected Latvian delegation participated in the different commissions of the conference and voted for the resolutions. In some cases, it had a certain scandalous consequences in Latvia.
The conference was held for one week, more than 500 deputies and participants accepted a number of different resolutions. Some of them – the complete and irrevocable de iure recognition of the Baltic States, Finland and Poland, the "agrarian issue" in Russia, position towards the Soviets, Soviet citizens, servicemen of Red Army and the future of Russia. Despite the large expectations, emigres were not able to establish the representative organ of Russians abroad and the conference became the last largest manifestation aimed towards the consolidation of Russian anti-bolshevik political forces in exile.
This research is funded by the Latvian Council of Science, project “Navigating the Latvian History of the 20th-21st Century: Social Morphogenesis, Legacy and Challenges” (No VPP-IZM-Vēsture-2023/1-0003).