The international scientific conference "Living with Fragile Identities" is taking place at LCC International University in Klaipėda, Lithuania from February 29 to March 3. The Senior Researcher of the SRP project "Navigating the Latvian History of the 20th–21st Century: Social Morphogenesis, Legacy and Challenges” (No. VPP-IZM-Vēsture-2023/1-0003)" Dr. sc. comm. Mārtiņš Kaprāns participated in the panel discussion "Perspective of the Baltic States". Outlining the main arguments that have been voiced for/against "European memory" in the last 15 years, M. Kaprāns focused on the (im)possibility of a transnational memory space in Europe and deeply analyzed the international debate caused by the monument erected to Latvian prisoners of war in Zedelgem, Belgium in 2021. This event of memories provides adequate food for reflection on the problems of recognizing competing traumatic memories on a national and international scale.