The Scholarly Readings of Young Historians IX will be held on 1st–2nd December 2023 and are organised by the Institute of Latvian History of the University of Latvia (LU LVI) and Valmiera Museum, in co-operation with Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, the Lithuanian Institute of History and the Institute of History and Archaeology of Tartu University.
Research topics can be related to the history in the broadest possible contexts: archaeology and pre-history; the auxiliary sciences of history; medieval history; the history of the Modern period (the 16th–19th century: politics, culture, society, ethnography, etc.); the 20th–21st century history (politics, culture, society, economy etc.); art history, musicology etc.
Participation in the conference is free of charge. Upon individual arrangement with partner institutions, the organisers will consider covering the accommodation costs in Valmiera for students from Lithuania and Estonia.
Requirements for potential conference participants:
- BA degree;
- Clearly formulated research object and its relevance to the science of history.
The applications will be evaluated by a scholarly commission compiled by the LU LVI, which reserves the right to reject the application if:
1) The proposed presentation topic does not match the goals and theme of the conference;
2) The application form is received after the stipulated deadline or filled out incorrectly.
The participants are required to apply by 10th of October 2023 (extended deadline) by filling out the form at: valmierasmuzejs.lv. For further questions, please call + 371 64207635 or e-mail alberts.rokpelnis@valmierasnovads.lv.