The history of any region reflects the contacts and interactions of the different beliefs, needs and traditions of the people who lived there. When irreconcilably different points of view meet, this encounter manifests itself in the form of conflicts. Similar beliefs and goals, in turn, encourage the search for solutions through cooperation.
At the 81st international conference of the University of Latvia, in the panel "Conflicts and cooperation in history" organized by the Institute of Latvian History, we invite you to focus on the dynamics of mutual relations between individuals, groups of people, peoples and countries and the influence of said dynamics on the course of history in the period from the most ancient times to the present day.
Papers addressing any of these issues or similar ones are encouraged for this conference panel::
• Conflicts in the history of the world or the nearest region, events during those conflicts, resolution of the hostilities and their consequences;
• Clashes and mutual influences of ideas, worldviews, religious concepts and cultures;
• Attempts at cooperation between countries, organizations or groups of people; cases of successful cooperation in history.
Application for the conference is open until February 15. Please apply by filling out the registration form online.
In the application, please indicate the author(s), title and short content of the paper (no more than 300 characters). Acceptance of papers for the conference will be announced by February 20.
A conference abstract volume will be published in electronic format and will be available in the repository of the University of Latvia. Participants are expected to submit short abstract (up to 1 page) of their paper for this volume by March 6, 2023.