The Institute of Latvian History is inviting to participate in the International Summer School for Young Scientists "Latvia-Ukraine: Crossroads of History and Culture", which will take place on August 1–5, 2022 in Riga. The aim of the summer school is to identify common trends in the development of Latvian and Ukrainian history and culture. The school is supported by the State Cultural Capital Fund. Lectures, practical classes, and field seminars will be organized within the school.
In total activities in four thematic blocks are planned:
1) Theoretical issues of research of cultural-historical processes: subject of research, methodological approaches, methods.
2) The process of formation of the cultural-historical environment in the Latvia and Ukraine and its specifics.
3) Problems of identification and preservation of cultural heritage in Latvia and Ukraine.
4) Research and achievements of young scientists from Latvia and Ukraine.
Free listeners are able to apply until 22.07., by writing to: tatjana.bogdanovica@lu.lv